
For any questions or support, please send an email to and we will get back to you promptly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

Send us an email at with your username and we will cancel your subscription immediately.

ATTN Apple Users: If you purchased your InstantCert membership through iTunes, you will need to go there to cancel it. We do not have control over billing with Apple memberships.

Where are the study materials? All I see are questions.

There are no traditional study guides or study materials; the questions are the study materials. You are not expected to know anything about the subject before-hand. Just study the questions AND explanations thoroughly until you feel comfortable with all of the concepts and information, and then go in and take the exam with confidence.

How do I know your flashcards are enough for [insert subject name here]?

Most members use only our flashcards to pass all of their exams, but if you are feeling worried about a particular exam, then check the Specific Exam Feedback area of our discussion forum. There, you will find a thread dedicated to each exam with feedback from members who have taken the test. They will tell you how good our flashcards are for that subject and what other resources, if any, they used to supplement the InstantCert flashcards.